Conditions of Entry and Rules & Regulations
1.Diharap semua peserta datang 30 minit lebih awal sebelum masa mula berlepas (7.30 pagi).
1. Participants must be present at starting point at least 30 minutes
before the allocated time(7.30am). Flag Off time is to be advised.
2.Peserta kayuhan berumur diantara 7-18 tahun perlu mendapatkan kebenaran dari ibu-bapa / penjaga. (sila rujuk pada borang penyertaan)
2. Event participation is open to all cyclists from 7 years of age
onwards; whereas participants below 18 years must obtain written authorization
from parent/guardian (See participation form)
3.Semua peserta perlu mengisi segala butiran-butiran yang dikhendaki. Borang pendaftaran akan diproses berdasarkan pematuhan tersebut.
3. All participants must submit form to register; all fields in the
registration form are compulsory and MUST be filled in. All entries will be
processed based on the orders received.
4.Makluman pendaftaran akan disahkan oleh penganjur melalui email /sms. Jika tiada respon dari pihak penganjur sila hubungi pihak penganjur secara terus untuk mengelakak sebarang kesulitan pendaftaran.
4. Acknowledgment of registration and payment is confirmed by the
organizer via email/sms. Should there be no response from the organizer, please
contact them to avoid any discrepancy.
5.Pendaftaran disahkan apabila semua maklumat pembayaran diproses oleh penganjur LUBUK MERBAU GREEN CHALLENGE A1 MTB KUALA KANGSAR 2012 . Maklumat yang tidak lengkap dan tidak disertakan dengan bayaran tidak akan diproses.
5. Registration will only be valid after payment has been received and
processed by the LUBUK MERBAU GREEN CHALLENGE A1 MTB KUALA KANGSAR 2012 organizer. Incomplete entries i.e
registration not accompanied with fees – will not be valid.
6.Pendaftaran yang sah berhak mendapat jersi, berkayuh dan makanan yang disediakan.
6. The order of registration on the event date for entitlement of
jersey, ride & food will be advised accordingly.
7.Bayaran pendaftaran tidak DIKEMBALIKAN.
7. Registration fee is strictly not refundable.
8.Pihak penganjur berhak mengubah aturcara yang telah ditetapkan ,jika perlu.
8. Whilst the programme is fixed at the time this registration is being
published, the organizers reserve the right to amend the programme as and when
deemed necessary.
9.Setiap peserta PERLU memakai topi keselamatan. Pihak penganjur berhak memberhentikan peserta yang tidak mengikut peraturan daripada mengikuti program kayuhan.
9. Every participant MUST ride with cycling safety helmet. The organizer reserves the right to stop any rider(s) from participating for non-adherence of rules.
10.Dengan menandatangani borang pendaftaran penyertaan, risiko adalah tanggunjawab peserta semasa keseluruhan acara ini. Pihak penganjur hanya bertanggungjawab untuk mendapatkan ambulans, perhatian pegawai perubatan untuk peserta kayuhan dan tidak bertanggungjawab ke atas apa-apa kehilangan / kecederaan semasa keseluruhan acara ini.
10.By signing the registration form, all rider are at their own risk during this whole event. The organiser only responsible for getting ambulance, medic attention for the rider and is not liable for any loss/ injury throughout this whole event.
9. Every participant MUST ride with cycling safety helmet. The organizer reserves the right to stop any rider(s) from participating for non-adherence of rules.
10.Dengan menandatangani borang pendaftaran penyertaan, risiko adalah tanggunjawab peserta semasa keseluruhan acara ini. Pihak penganjur hanya bertanggungjawab untuk mendapatkan ambulans, perhatian pegawai perubatan untuk peserta kayuhan dan tidak bertanggungjawab ke atas apa-apa kehilangan / kecederaan semasa keseluruhan acara ini.
10.By signing the registration form, all rider are at their own risk during this whole event. The organiser only responsible for getting ambulance, medic attention for the rider and is not liable for any loss/ injury throughout this whole event.
Pendaftaran. (registration)
Langkah 1 : Muat turun borang
Step 1: "COPY - PASTE "
Langkah 2: Hantar borang yang lengkap ke Email : syaifulsalina1@yahoo.com. Nyatakan perkara [LUBUK MERBAU GREEN CHALLENGE A1 MTB KUALA KANGSAR] Pendaftaran)
Step 2: Submission of Registration Form: Send us the signed copy of form via the following:-
• Email to syaifulsalina1@yahoo.com (State subject: Staring with – [LUBUK MERBAU GREEN CHALLENGE A1 KUALA KANGSAR] Registration)
• Fax a copy to (Tel/Fax)
• Email to syaifulsalina1@yahoo.com (State subject: Staring with – [LUBUK MERBAU GREEN CHALLENGE A1 KUALA KANGSAR] Registration)
• Fax a copy to (Tel/Fax)
Langkah 3 : Pembayaran ke Akaun Maybank :
Penama :
Step 3: Payment: Modes of payment as follows:-
• Funds Transfer
Maybank Acc No. :
Beneficiary Name :
Langkah 4: Proses akhir Pengesahan pendaftaran : hantarkan ke email syaifulsalina1@yahoo.com maklumat yang berikut:
*Nama peserta
*Cara bayaran
*Masa urusan pembayaran
*Slip pembayaran
Isikan butiran yang diperlukan pada Tab "No. Slip Pembayaran"
Step 4: Finalization of registration: Drop us an email at syaifulsalina1@yahoo.com
• Name (Exactly the same as stated in participation form)
• Payment mode (Online Payment/Funds Transfer/Cash Deposit)
• Time & Date payment made
• Payment Receipt / Confirmation email from bank
Fill all the required data at Tab "Payment Slip No."
mane no akaun nye? mcm mne nk bank in?
ReplyDeleterider2 yg dah daftar bank in ke by hand?
utk yg duduk jauh mcm mane nk bank in?
tlg sape2 info ye...
saya tgk dlm name list baru 100 lebih je ke rider yg dh register?
xramai sangat... xpe, masih awl lg...
mintak tlg ye psl no akaun maybank..
saya nk bank in..